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Farrago | noun | far·ra·go | fəˈrɑːɡəʊ |
A mixed bag (from Latin, literally mixed fodder, from far corn.)
"This double CD is a collection of music that was written from 2012 to 2014 for music placement in film, TV, commercials and other multi-media formats. Some of the pieces were originally 1 or 2 minutes in length. I went back into the studio, elaborated on the basic ideas and turned 1 or 2 minutes of music into 3-5 minutes or more. Farrago is a perfect title for this double CD as there is a farrago of genres from jazz, classical, new age, instrumental pop/rock, funk and more. A real mixed bag! Ideal for lovers of music who like a nice variety of music" ~ Gary

New Age
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